Friday, March 16, 2007

Wearin' of the Green (Tag)

Since St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow, I thought I'd share a picture I took on the grounds of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin last summer....

...but the real reason for this post is I've been tagged by Marion to tell some reasons why I enjoy blogging. So here goes...

1. It's an outlet for some writing practice. I love to write, but I don't get a change to do it as much as I'd like. This blog gives a purpose, however small, for my writing.

2. Since I think blogging is just as much about reading other blogs as writing my own, another reason I enjoy it is the learning I've acquired from it. I've gotten some great recipes and gardening tips, as well as decorating ideas, from reading the information on other people's blogs.

3. I like the sense of community among bloggers. There is a great support system here - we share our lives and share ideas and become a sort of family.

4. Blogging makes me smile, and sometimes laugh out loud.

I'll think of other things later, and maybe I'll add them. For now, I'd like to share the fun by tagging Judy and Carol to tell what they enjoy most about blogging.

Have a festive St. Patrick's Day! Don't drink too much green beer... :)


Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Hi Joanne....

Thank you for responding to my Tag. You give some good reasons that I share your feelings on. Yes, I do agree, you can go on and on thinking of the pleasures blogging gives. Have a peaceful Sunday. Marion

Judypatooote said...

I just checked in, and found you tagged me, so I better get busy, although I could probably copy what you wrote, for I feel the same.....judy