Sunday, April 29, 2007

Time to catch up...

How time flies...

I hadn't realized it was before Easter since I've written last. Lots going on around here - both inside and outside... Not quite time to plant all the seedlings I'm growing in my greenhouse, but yesterday I put 34 tomato plants in bigger pots, in anticipation of getting them outside in a few weeks.

In the meantime, here's what's been happening around here...

I went on a bird watching expedition last week - it's a place called Centennial Marsh about 80 miles north of here. Lots of birds and lots of pretty scenery...

An abandoned egg...


Yellow-headed blackbirds...

So pretty there - I didn't want to leave...

Next evening, (April 18th), we had a freak snow storm, with 45 mph winds. Yikes!

Hoover was NOT happy!

Lately my other dog, Hoops, has been jumping up on the picnic table and barking at something on the roof. I thought it was a squirrel. It wasn't.

It was this...

This is a chukar. Chukars are not supposed to live in urban back yards - even back yards next door to parks. According to my field guide, they live in "rocky, arid, mountainous areas of the west."

I don't know... he looks like he feels at home here...


Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Hello Joanne.....

Nice to see the pictures you’ve posted, pleased you had a good bird watching break, how lovely! What a pretty bird the Chukar is, I’ve never seen one before, I love his stripes.

Goodness, what a lot of tomatoes you’re growing, what do you do with them all. I freeze any surplus and later add them to soups and stews etc, or I often make them into a puree. I have my veggie plot this year so I’m going to be experimenting with lots of different things. Until now I’ve always kept to flowers.

Our weather has been so glorious for weeks now, I’ve never experienced such a wonderful spring. Everything is so ahead of its season, I wonder if things will expire before their usual time. We shall probably have autumn starting in August. Its holiday weekend for us. My good wishes for a great weekend whatever you may be doing. Marion

Judypatooote said...

Hey where ya been......hope all is well.....judy

Reflection Through The Seasons said...

Hello Joanne...
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a few words for me. I too feel very neglectful of blogging recently with so much going on as well as trying to look after the garden etc. I hope all is well with you and yours. Marion